SQ Consult, NIRAS-RCEE and NIRAS, supported Vietnam in the development of its national and sectoral GHG MRV framework and system in a project funded by the World Bank. The project developed a long-term view on a legislative and institutional framework for MRV of GHG emissions, emission reductions and support for reporting at the energy (supply and demand) sector, national and international (UNFCCC) level as well as the associated Data Management System (DMS). Based on a needs assessment and international good practice, a step-by-step for developing both the MRV framework and system for the energy sector was developed, as well as a roadmap for implementing an MRV pilot in the sector and the specifications for the DMS. The project also supported the development of the approach to identify and manage large GHG emitters across all sectors of the economy that will have to MRV and reduce emissions under future legislation (incl the development of the specifications of a large emitters database).
For more information contact: Dian Phylipsen