The scoping study “Towards advanced biofuels – options for integrating conventional and advanced biofuel production sites (RES-T-BIOPLANT)” was commissioned to SQ Consult by the IEA Implementing Agreement for Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD). The aim of this study was two-fold:
- Getting a better understanding of the scale of the opportunity for adapting existing sites to produce advanced biofuels; and,
- Analysing the potential role of government policy to incentivise site conversion.
Findings of the study are that integration of advanced (2nd generation / 2G) biofuel plants with conventional (1st generation / 1G) biofuel plants can lead to significant synergies and cost savings, especially for bioethanol plants. For biodiesel, conversion of fossil refineries to advanced biofuel production is another promising option as well.
Tasks of the project included the analysis of the potential role of government policy incentivising technology transfer for these conversions, analysis of international case studies, mainly in Europe, South America and the United States.
The project also included the design and implementation of a multi stakeholder consultation process for the sourcing of market information and dissemination of project results in various workshops across the EU.
For more information contact: Sergio Ugarte