Our expert

Ann Gardiner

Experienced manager of complex projects and more than 20 years experience in developing and evaluating climate and energy policy

Ann Gardiner

Ann Gardiner's expertise includes analysis of energy and climate policy and strategy options, with a focus on energy efficiency, and evaluation of the effectiveness of policies or programmes.  She has experience of managing projects with multiple partners and complex stakeholder engagement.

Her customers have included the European Commission, The World Bank, UK and German Governments, CDP, WWF, the UNFCCC secretariat and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. Recent projects include an evaluation of the UK Prosperity Fund for UK Government and one on the impact of population growth on planetary boundaries. While at Ecofys, she was project director for the project for DG Clima supporting the impact assessment of the Innovation Fund and one for UK government on the impact of the compensation for the indirect costs of carbon pricing to electro-intensive industry. She has also worked internationally, advising the Government of Gibraltar on implementation of the energy saving directive, working on NAMA development in Georgia and Pakistan and helping to develop marginal abatement cost curves for a number of countries. She is a member of the organising committee of the Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Actions group and lead author for the Marrakech Partnership Yearbooks in 2017 and 2018.

London, United kingdom
Curriculum vitae

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Reasons to be cheerful?

Reasons to be cheerful?

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