Our expert

Asier Larretxea

Senior consultant leading several projects related to the designa and implementation of sustainable energy plans and innovative energy solutions in the built environment. 

Asier Larretxea

Asier currently directs and coordinates projects in the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions for buildings, rural and urban zones, as well as at regional and national level.

Some of his projects include: “The development of the solar thermal legislation for Chile”, the “research on the international estate of the art on district heating and cooling”, “Sustainable Energy Plan for Province of Gipuzkoa”, “Implementation and market analysis for promotion of Renewable Energies in the Basque Country”, or “The research for the development of a tool to assess the energy use on new urban developments”. Previously, Asier worked at Ecofys, an international consultancy firm as Project Manager in the department of Energy in the Built Environment and at Wageningen University as a researcher.
In addition to energy, Asier works in topics related to Sustainable Construction and Sustainable Developments, and he is familiar with BREEAM and Green Building Tool assessments (GB-Tool).
Since the beginning of 2013, Asier has been focused on research regarding smart grids and micro grids, and the influence of these innovative concepts in several fields such as; the urban design and planning processes, integration of RETs, the energy sector, market development, etc. 
Asier has MSc. in Urban Environmental Management, specialized on Sustainable Buildings and Energy in the Built Environment by the Wageningen University and Research – WUR (The Netherlands). He concluded his studies on Landscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning at WUR. He also holds an MSc Agriculture Engineer degree at the Public University of Navarra (Spain).

Pamplona, Spain
Curriculum vitae

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