Our expert

Bart van der Ree

Expert in energy transition and business development and a very successful project manager with a strong sense for process, commitment and realisation of project goals.

Bart van der Ree

Bart van der Ree (MSc) is a consultant and researcher with over 25 years of full-time experience with policy, social, technical and economic aspects of the energy transition.

Bart has extensive experience with decentralised energy supply and sustainable community development, including master-planning the transition for cities to climate neutrality. He has first-hand experience in setting up and running local energy co-operatives and in providing policy support for such initiatives. He has developed business cases for electricity and heat storage projects as well as for smart grids and sustainable energy supply for housing districts. He has also developed sustainable procurement methodologies.

Bart has managed over 10 European projects, which several included policy recommendations and options. He has established a joint-venture consultancy firm in China as Technical Director and he has been International Expert to a UNDP project on market acceleration and capacity building of renewable energies in China.

Bart has an MSc in Energy Physics and 8 years of scientific experience at the TNO Building Research Centre, where he also was Convenor of the CEN standardization committee TC 180/WG2 on solar heating.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

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