Our expert

Eliška Bystricky

Specialised in  carbon markets and strongly involved in the preparation of Phase III and Phase IV of the European emissions trading scheme.

Eliška Bystricky

Eliška has 15 years of experience in the energy and climate field. She was consortium manager of a project providing support to the Member States and the European Commission in applying the benchmarks and other allocation rules.

She was the methodology expert in the NIMs evaluation project for the European Commission and for EFTA, as well as in the development of evaluation methodologies and procedures for new entrants’ application for free allowances, and she supported the European Commission in developing a study designing a potential queuing system for the New Entrants Reserve.

Eliska also regularly provides university level courses in English and in French on energy and the environment, with a focus on carbon markets, French white certificates, green certificates and carbon capture and storage.
Eliška was previously managing the energy and climate strategies team of Ecofys France, where she spent 3 years; her activities then included project management on aspects such as carbon markets, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, and trainings both in universities and for corporate customers. In her former job, she spent 9 years with Gaz de France on environmental and sustainable development aspects. Among her activities at Gaz de France, she was in charge of developing offers for Gaz de France’s key industrial customers on the management of CO2 allowances (technical and economic aspects, coaching of sales force, expertise for customers, presentations at conferences on the EU-ETS).

Eliška Bystricky graduated from ENSIGC, the process engineering school of Toulouse in France (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Génie Chimique); she speaks fluently French, Czech and English and has a good knowledge of Dutch.

Paris, France

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