Our expert

Lucy Candlin

Actively involved in the development of guidance and assurance practices for the EU ETS and other international emissions trading programmes.

Lucy Candlin

Lucy is an environmental professional of 30 years’ experience and a fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and a Chartered Environmentalist.
In relation to GHG emissions accounting, Lucy has 16 years of experience working with organisations on emissions accounts and assurance, starting with the BP global GHG audit for their internal emissions trading programme which commenced in 1999, predating any of the regulatory schemes. Since that time Lucy has conducted over 500 GHG accounting and assurance projects in sectors including power generation, CHP, refining, petrochemicals, offshore, gas terminals, universities & hospitals, manufacturing, higher education and aviation.
When employed by KPMG’s Global Sustainability Team, Lucy worked on the development and application of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme, the initial phase of the Climate Change Levy Agreements and the EU ETS baseline; helping to develop the processes and guidance for accounting and assurance under those schemes as well as establishing a verification process that was accredited by UKAS.
As part of the UK ETS, DEFRA sponsored the UK Emissions Trading Group to act as the primary consultative body for the programme. This has evolved into a membership group which develops consensus amongst operators, verifiers, regulators, traders and policy makers in the UK seeking to ensure that policy in this area is appropriate and delivery of policy practicable. This is done through a series of Working Groups attended by all participant groups. Since 2005, Lucy has attended the Working Group on International Emissions Trading and since 2008 has co-chaired the technical aspects on Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Accreditation; since 2015 she has been a UK ETG Board Member.
Since 2003, Lucy has been actively involved in the development of guidance and assurance practices for the EU ETS and emissions reporting and trading programmes in California (CCAR, TCR and CARB) and South Korea (TMS). She wrote the Guide to Accreditation to ISO14065 for The Climate Registry and has delivered operator and verifier training to over 1000 people in relation to the EU ETS, California Climate Action Registry/Reserve, The Climate Registry, The California mandatory reporting programme and then ETS (covering both entity and project offsets) and the South Korean mandatory reporting programme.
Since 2003 she has also helped to establish the verification processes and procedures and the achievement of accreditation for four verification bodies; and conducted accreditation assessments to ISO14065 for NABs in non-UK jurisdictions.

London, United kingdom

Blog posts by Lucy

MRV in Carbon Pricing Instruments : Making it work

MRV in Carbon Pricing Instruments : Making it work

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